NCJAR Scholarship Application

NCJAR Scholarship Application


Residents of New Jersey limited to members in good standing for preceding three years of the North Central Jersey Association of REALTORS® or their relatives are eligible for scholarship assistance.

The Scholarship Program is to be available to high school seniors who will be attending an undergraduate four-year institution, students currently enrolled in undergraduate four-year institutions and students pursuing studies at an accredited one-year technical school or two-year community college.

There will be no limitations as to location of college attended.

All decisions as to whether or not an applicant qualifies will be at the discretion of the selection committee.

Criteria for Selection

Academic achievements, financial-need, sincerity of purpose, contribution to family, school and community are all criteria considered by the committee. Past recipients may re-apply during their undergraduate tenure.

Application Procedures

The Scholarship Trustees shall not accept applications if the guidelines set forth below are not adhered to strictly:

  1. A statement no longer than one 8-1/2 x 11 page describing your future goals must be attached or sent with the application.
  2. If enclosing reference letters, no more than two 8-1/2 x 11 pages are acceptable.
  3. Transcripts (2-year period) must be enclosed with application.
  4. Applications must be returned by Friday, June 6, 2025


Recipients will be chosen and will be notified accordingly.  Each applicant will be required to provide a current photo at time of receiving award.


Scholarship amounts shall be determined by recommendation of the verification committee an approval by the NCJAR® Trustees.  Five awards of $1,000.00 each will be awarded by the NCJAR® Scholarship committee for 2025.

Photo Release

If you are selected as a recipient, your photo submission may be used in our publicity or promotion of recipients by the North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®.  Publicity may be, but is not limited to, web content, social media or other advertising.  Your application submission grants us permission to use your photograph for these purposes only.  If you decline permission, you must do so in writing with submission of your application.

(Must Be Adhered to Strictly)

  1. Fully completed application by Friday, June 6, 2025
  2. Transcripts (2-year period).
  3. 8-1/2 x 11 page (no longer) describing your future goals.
  4. Reference letters (optional)-no more than two 8-1/2 x 11 pages.


Any Questions contact: Michelle Perrone Epstein, COO

Personal Data Fields marked (*) are required.

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Family Status Data

Other Children/Dependents in the Family:

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College/University Data

(Colleges, Universities or Schools applied to attended, presently enrolled in or accepted to)

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Estimate of Annual Cost:

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