Contribute to RPAC

contributetoRPACWhy Does RPAC Matter to Me?

RPAC is the voice of Realtors® on a local, state and national level. It is the only political group in New Jersey and the nation organized for and run by Realtors® that exists solely to further issues important to Realtors®, private property owners and the real estate market. Home ownership is an essential part of the U.S. and state economy. Nearly 18 million jobs are supported by the real estate industry. For every two homes sold, one job is created, and every home sale leads to over $60,000 in economic activity. 

RPAC ensures that laws that aim to restrict the industry are defeated and laws supporting the industry are put into action! RPAC works by engaging in the Legislature’s political agendas, building relationships with key politicians on all levels, and working with state agencies to make sure that proposed rules take into consideration the views of property owners and Realtors®!

How Do I Invest?

Click here to support RPAC directly

Members will be asked to verify that the contact information is accurate. If it is not, please contact your local board/association to update the information. Your local board/association information is listed on your account page.

Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amounts indicated are merely guidelines and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts provided your contribution is within applicable contribution limits. The National Association of REALTORS® and its state and local associations will not favor or disadvantage any member because of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute.  You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, any request for the refund of a contribution must be made within two (2) business days of the date on which you authorize RPAC to charge you for said contribution. Your contribution is split between National RPAC and the State PAC in your state.  Contact your State Association or PAC for information about the percentages of your contribution provided to National RPAC and to the State PAC.  The National RPAC portion is used to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116.