Tech Tuesday: Instagram vs Pinterest • The Battle of Picture Systems
Session: Instagram vs Pinterest
The Battle of Picture Systems
Mission: In this session you will learn the basic to advanced functions of Instagram vs Pintrest
Covered Course Work:
Set up your Pintrest page: Learn the best usage of Pintrest and get help from onsite Social Media experts
Brand Similarity: A picture is worth a thousand words. Carry your brand through all of your online presence.
What to Pin: What content is best to pin to Pintrest?
Prompting listings: Why is Pinterest & Instagram great for listings
Pintrest Plugin: Post your board on your blog or personal agent site
Event Details
Event Date | 04-05-2016 10:00 am |
Event End Date | 04-05-2016 12:00 pm |
Individual Price | $7.00 |
Location | NCJAR Morristown |