
FREE SESSION: Good Intentions into Meaningful Results in Life & Business

Mike_Staver.pngSession: Good Intentions into Meaningful Results in Life & Business with Mike Staver

NCJAR is excited to announce the launch of its premier Self-Empowerment Principle Training Program(S.E.P.T.). An engaging series of learning sessions taught by nationally recognized speakers.

We live in an age when it is more and more challenging to manage all of the information, demands and challenges that are coming at us. It takes real courage to stand firm in what you believe and then to get your followers to understand what really matters and how to execute effectively. Your ability to influence your followers is key to every step of creating significant results. Courage is the key element in that process.

Participants will learn:
• The real definition of courage
• The three most important steps you will ever take
• The power of commitment
• What your followers do, really do, when you are not around
• The primary motivator of all people
• The three things every leader can do to insure leadership failure
• The importance of high gain activity and how to do more of it
• Six steps that will insure effective execution


Mike Staver - Speaker, Coach, Trainer

Event Details

Event Date 06-27-2022 10:00 am
Event End Date 06-27-2022 11:00 am
Location Online Course

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