
YPN Committee Meeting - Sept 2016

ypn logo NorthCentralJerseyNJAttend NCJAR’s YPN Committee meeting on Thursday, September 15th, 1:00pm, at NCJAR Bloomfield, 375 Broad St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003. NCJAR’s YPN committee chairperson, Jocelyn Russo will discuss the past, present and future of NCJAR’s YPN. 

Join the movement and bring your perspective to the table… Join us on Sept 15th!

*YPN stands for Young Professional Network. “Young” is not a reference to age, but rather mentality. If you’re looking to evolve in the real estate industry, you’ve found the right place.

Event Details

Event Date 09-15-2016 1:00 pm
Event End Date 09-15-2016 2:00 pm
Location NCJAR Bloomfield

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