
Virtual: Learn to Successfully Negotiate - 3 Elective

Learn_to_Successfully_Negotiate.pngLearn to Successfully Negotiate to Protect your Clients – 3 Elective NJ CE

Negotiation is an integral part of the real estate business.  It is also a skill based on science, where you can develop steps and strategies to better position yourself or your client.

  • How is negotiating different than selling?
  • What are the particularities of the real estate negotiations? 
  • How to best be prepared?

Learn how to develop a systematic approach to the negotiation process and then apply it to the particular negotiation between buyers and sellers.

Instructor: Isabelle Perkins, GRI, CIPS, MCNE, ABR, EcoBroker, GREEN, ePRO, SFR, SRES, AHWD 

Broker-Salesperson -  Real Estate Instructor


NCJAR Members $25 | Non-Members $45

Event Details

Event Date 02-17-2023 9:30 am
Event End Date 02-17-2023 12:30 pm
Individual Price $45.00
Course Reference Number C20160400
Credit Hours 3
Instructor Reference Number I9912529
Location Online Course

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