
Virtual: Social Media and Laws - 3 Core

SocialMediaandtheLawsA real estate licensee today spends much of their time online and on various social media sites. Real estate has its place in Social Media and so should you!
However, there are a few things you should know to keep yourself out of trouble … Advertising Rules & Regulations & the importance of Developing a Social Media Policy!

Through the use of various examples/ situations, the material will review legal and ethical obligations as well as good business practice. This will not be limited to licensing obligations, but will extend to discussions about privacy and copyrights.

Presented by: Isabelle Perkins - NJ, NY and MA Real Estate Instructor

NCJAR Members $25 | Non-Members $45

Event Details

Event Date 03-28-2024 9:30 am
Event End Date 03-28-2024 12:30 pm
Individual Price $45.00
Provider Reference Number P0447783
Course Reference Number C20200193
Credit Hours 3
Category Core Course
Instructor Reference Number Isabelle Perkins - I9912529
Location Online Course

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