
Ethics & the Real Estate Professional - 4 Ethics - Mt. Arlington

highroadThis comprehensive half-day program will help participants understand the concept of Ethics, distinguish between Ethical responsibilities and Legal requirements, learn how the Code of Ethics has evolved, become familiar with all 17 Articles of the Code of Ethics and many of the key Standards of Practice, understand the enforcement process and look at real examples of acceptable, aggressive business practices versus unacceptable unethical behaviors. 


Created & Presented By: Gary Large, NCJSB Director

NCJAR Members $25

Non-Members $40

Event Details

Event Date 11-07-2016 10:00 am
Event End Date 11-07-2016 2:00 pm
Individual Price $40.00
Provider Reference Number P0447783
Course Reference Number C20160315
Credit Hours 4
Category Ethics Course
Instructor Reference Number I7816248
Location Mt. Arlington Senior Living

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