
Condos, Coops & Age Restricted Housing - 3 Elective W

CondoVsHouseMore buyers, both young and old, are seeking a lifestyle free from the chores normally associated with traditional single-family home ownership. Common interest real estate associations often fit the bill.

This course covers a wide range of topics

Single-Family House Vs. Condo • The Differences • Advantages & Disadvantages • Covenants • Conditions & Restrictions • Tax Implications • Financing Condos • Age Restricted Complexes • And More…

You will learn what you need to verify before the seller puts the unit on the market or the buyer makes an offer on the property. We will also examine the concerns when a complex is new or old, large or small.

Created & Presented by: Mimi Weisinger  |  I8543749  |  NJ CE Instructor  |  201-871-0800

Event Details

Event Date 10-25-2016 9:00 am
Event End Date 10-25-2016 12:00 pm
Individual Price $50.00
Provider Reference Number P0447783
Course Reference Number C20161236
Credit Hours 3
Category Elective Course
Instructor Reference Number I8543749
Location NCJAR Westfield

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