Course Calendar

Free Live Webinar: Bridge the Gap

Bridge the Gap Now with Intentional InclusionThe American dream of homeownership is deferred by some and virtually impossible for others due to discrimination. Is discrimination the issue, or is there a lack of intentional inclusion? REALTORS® pledge themselves to follow the licensing rules and regulations of the state they are licensed in, Fair Housing, and the REALTORS® Code of Ethics. It is time to IMPROVE your standards and be intentional about being of service to all because REALTORS® Can Really Sell Houses Fast Now.

After completing this program, you will be able to:

  • Summarize rules and acts governing housing
  • Promote awareness about fair housing issues
  • Create a list of appropriate terms to use when marketing via social media
  • List the seven federally protected classes
  • Recognize violations of fair housing rules
  • Describe local efforts to expanding housing options
  • Create a program to expand housing across racial and economic barriers

"Together Everyone Achieves More," fifty-three years have passed since Lyndon Johnson signed the Fair Housing bill. History is the foundation that we will build upon, and everyone should have an opportunity to be heard. We will review the past while developing creative ways to ensure an equal future.

Hosted By: NCJAR Diversity & Cultural Affairs Committee

No CE credit for this webinar.

Event Details

Event Date 04-15-2021 10:00 am
Event End Date 04-15-2021 11:00 am

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