Real estate professionals and enthusiasts gathered virtually on Monday, November 20th, from 10 am to 12 pm to partake in an insightful and exclusive webinar hosted by NCJAR. The session, presented by the esteemed Isabelle Perkins, a seasoned Real Estate Instructor in MA, NJ, and NY, delved into key aspects shaping the real estate landscape today.

Navigating Legal Landscapes: NAR Lawsuit Updates 

The webinar commenced with a comprehensive update on recent NAR lawsuits, providing attendees with crucial insights into the ever-evolving legal dynamics within the real estate industry. Participants gained a deeper understanding of the implications and potential impacts on their professional endeavors.

Building Relationships Strategically: CIS in Action 

Isabelle Perkins skillfully navigated the topic of building meaningful relationships in real estate using the Customer Information Sheet (CIS). Attendees discovered effective strategies to enhance client connections, laying the foundation for long-term success.

Compensation Unveiled: Exploring Diverse Methods 

Mastering Buyer Agency Dynamics: Agreements and Beyond 

Buyer Agency Agreements took center stage as Isabelle Perkins shared insights on mastering the dynamics of these crucial agreements. Attendees learned valuable tactics for successful transactions, ensuring both parties emerge satisfied.

Client vs. Customer: Clarifying Crucial Distinctions 

A pivotal segment addressed the often-nuanced differences between clients and customers in real estate interactions. The clarification provided a roadmap for professionals to navigate varied relationships with clarity and precision.

Expressing Value: Service and Negotiation Guidance 

The webinar concluded with a focus on expressing service value and negotiating with confidence. Isabelle Perkins provided practical guidance, arming participants with the tools needed to elevate their service delivery and negotiation skills.

The free-access webinar proved to be a valuable resource for all attendees, offering a wealth of knowledge presented by an industry expert. As real estate professionals strive to navigate a dynamic landscape, the NAR Lawsuit Insights & Next Steps for Your Business webinar provided actionable insights and strategies for success. Participants were left inspired and equipped to apply the newfound knowledge to enhance their real estate ventures.

For more information, please visit or watch the Webinar Recording on NCJAR’s YouTube Channel:

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