Industry News

When the leadership of Miami REALTORS® brainstormed out-of-the-box responses to their region’s affordable housing crisis, their ideas ranged from housing teachers at school sites to constructing homes within parking garages. Ultimately, they decided to pursue an innovative solution: repurposing shipping containers into affordable dwellings. This initiative, supported by a REALTOR Party Community Outreach grant, involved developing two discarded containers into a 480-square-foot home on land contributed by the county. Over six years, they navigated regulatory barriers and effected significant improvements in the system, paving the way for future affordable housing developments.

Overcoming Regulatory Challenges

“The battleground of affordable housing is going to happen in the zoning and planning departments in all of our cities throughout the country,” says Miami REALTORS® 2022 Board Chair Fernando Arencibia, Jr. Danielle Blake, the board’s Chief of Commercial, emphasizes that the primary takeaway from the project was not the unit itself but the process. Their mission was to study the barriers to make this a viable solution for other builders.

The prototype, developed in partnership with NAR, Miami-Dade County, and the City of South Miami, was sold to a buyer whose income is 80% of the area median. By restrictive covenant, the property must remain affordable for a minimum of twenty years.


Addressing Regulatory Roadblocks

Throughout the development process, REALTORS® faced numerous regulatory roadblocks that added significant expense and delays. For instance, before permits could be issued, a review committee required $25,000 worth of landscaping, causing an eleven-month delay. Additionally, connecting the property to water and sewer lines was inefficient, with each process requiring the entire block to be re-surfaced separately. Blake notes that such irregularities ultimately increase the cost to the buyer, countering the goal of creating affordable housing.

Paving the Way for Future Developments

Despite these challenges, the project identified and began correcting nonsensical zoning code irregularities. This initiative led to permitting Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) on lots zoned for single-family homes, opening up opportunities for additional affordable units. It also prompted the city to provide flexible zoning for smaller non-conforming lots, allowing for more affordable units to be built. Additionally, eco-friendly container homes were established as viable dwellings for single lots and ADUs. The overall achievement of this prototype will contribute to reducing housing costs in Miami-Dade County.

Sharing Success and Future Plans

Miami REALTORS® are leveraging their accomplishment by sharing their experience and advocacy through a dedicated webpage and a new video. The video features interviews with the Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Arencibia, Blake, and others involved in developing the model container home. The new owner, who feels like he won the lottery, reports that curious visitors knock on his door every weekend. Blake adds, “It took an enormous effort to create this modest home, but it is clearly the start of something big.”

Learn More and Get Involved

To learn more about how Miami REALTORS® is addressing housing affordability, contact Danielle Blake, Chief of Commercial, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 786.517.7223. For additional information, view the Community Outreach Grants: Miami REALTORS® Cut the Red Tape for Housing Affordability or visit REALTOR Magazine Level Up: Advancing Homeownership and Miami REALTORS® Container Home Project.

By studying and overcoming regulatory challenges, Miami REALTORS® are setting a powerful example of how innovative thinking and persistence can lead to impactful solutions for affordable housing. Their journey offers valuable insights for NCJAR members looking to make a difference in their communities.