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LAWSUITWEBINAR 2Join us for a game-changing session with Darryl Davis on Thursday, March 21st at 9:30AM-11:00AM that will dive deep into the aftermath of the landmark Sitzer/Burnett case and the NAR's monumental $418 million settlement.

What's in Store:
- Insightful analysis on the settlement's impact on the real estate industry.
- Practical strategies to adapt to changes and secure buyer agency agreements.
- Expert tips on conveying market conditions and handling buyer objections effectively.
- Plus, how to make your buyer's offer stand out!

Spots are limited, and registration for NCJAR Members  is absolutely FREE! Don't miss out on this invaluable chance to enhance your skills, boost your confidence, and elevate your business in today's evolving market.

Register now to transform your approach to commissions and client relationships post-settlement. Let's grow together!

#RealEstateProfessionals #NARSettlement #GrowYourBusiness #RealEstateTraining #DarrylDavisSession #FreeRegistration #LimitedSpots #RealEstateEvolution