Data & Statistics

ncjarcommitteesignup23NCJAR's continued success is built upon the dedication and contributions of its committee volunteers. These committees play a vital role in overseeing different aspects of NCJAR and guiding our decision-making processes. We invite all members to actively participate by submitting their committee selection forms, where you can choose up to three committees that align with your interests and expertise.

However, it's important to note that while we encourage your involvement, space on each committee may be limited due to high demand. Thus, there's no guarantee that you will be placed on all three committees you choose. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

The deadline for committee selection is swiftly approaching—mark your calendar for FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2023. To address any questions or concerns you may have about the committees or the selection process, please feel free to reach out to Michelle Perrone Epstein at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Committee Options

Here's a brief overview of the committees you can choose from:

  1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I): This committee focuses on promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within NCJAR and the real estate industry as a whole.

  2. Global Council Committee: If you have an interest in international real estate and expanding our global reach, this committee is your opportunity to contribute.

  3. Government Affairs/Advocacy: Advocating for the interests of the real estate industry at the governmental level is the primary goal of this committee.

  4. Member Engagement: Enhancing the member experience and increasing member involvement in NCJAR is the mission of this committee.

  5. Multiple Listing Users Group: Addressing the needs of MLS users and improving their experience is at the core of this committee's work.

  6. RPAC Team Captains: As part of this committee, you'll be leading our efforts in the Realtors Political Action Committee.

  7. Scholarship Committee: This committee focuses on awarding scholarships to individuals pursuing careers in real estate.

  8. Young Professionals Network: If you're passionate about supporting and fostering the growth of young professionals in the real estate industry, this is the committee for you.

NCJAR committees is not only an opportunity to shape our organization's future but also a platform for your personal and professional growth. We value your commitment and eagerly anticipate your contributions as we collectively chart the course for NCJAR's future.

Don't miss the chance to be a part of this transformative journey—submit your committee selections today and leave your mark on NCJAR!