Data & Statistics

As the real estate landscape evolves, NCJAR is adapting to better serve you. We’re excited to announce the sale of our four buildings in Morristown, Wayne, Bloomfield, and Westfield. We'll be moving to a new, centrally located building designed to meet your needs.

Why This Change?

  1. Financial Responsibility: Our current buildings are underutilized as education, seminars, and meetings have shifted online. Consolidating into one regional office reduces overhead costs, allowing us to use your membership dollars more effectively.
  2. Enhanced Member Experience: A centralized location offers a streamlined, modern hub for all your professional needs. We'll also maintain small satellite spaces for lockbox and board store purchases.
  3. Virtual Innovation: We're investing in robust online platforms to enhance virtual education, support, and networking, making it easier to access essential resources from anywhere.
  4. Strategic Growth: This move aligns with our 2024-2026 Strategic Plan, positioning NCJAR to be more agile and responsive to your evolving needs.

What’s Next?

NCJAR President, Chris Coccia, has assembled a special PAG to find our new regional building. The sales of our current properties will happen in phases, with updates shared along the way. Rest assured, there will be no disruption to the services you rely on.

We are committed to your success and professional growth. Thank you for your continued support and trust in NCJAR. Together, we’re building a future-focused association.

Thank you, 


For questions and concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 973-425-0110 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..