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GlobalchatportugalCalling all real estate enthusiasts! Save the date – September 28, 2023, at 10 AM EST – for an exclusive virtual journey to Portugal's real estate scene.

What to Expect:

  • Investment Insights: Discover Portugal's investment opportunities, prime locations, and property types for high returns.
  • Trends & Dynamics: Stay updated with the latest market trends and understand the legal aspects of property ownership in Portugal.
  • Meet the Experts: Benefit from the expertise of Portugal International Realty (PIR) and Portuguese Real Estate Professionals and Brokers Association (APEMIP).
  • Interactive Q&A: Get answers to your burning questions about investing in Portugal.

Expand Your Horizons:

  • Don't miss out on this chance to broaden your horizons in the Portuguese real estate market. Secure your spot and dive into the world of international real estate.

Mark Your Calendar:

  • Join us on September 28, 2023, and embark on your journey to Portugal's real estate opportunities. Secure your place today!